PTSD and Trauma

Treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Trauma

Negative experiences are an unfortunate reality of life. At some point, most people will encounter a traumatic event that leaves a lasting impact. According to statistics, approximately 70 percent of Americans, or around 220 million people, have experienced some form of trauma in their lives. While many individuals can overcome these events, others may develop a mental health disorder known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Without proper attention, PTSD can be debilitating and significantly impact an individual’s daily life.

What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

PTSD is a condition triggered by severe stress, trauma, or fear. It is a form of anxiety disorder that can arise in response to various traumatic circumstances, such as a car accident, the sudden loss of a loved one, sexual assault, or military combat. People with PTSD often experience symptoms like stress, paranoia, anxiety, and difficulty focusing. They may also have distressing recollections of the traumatic event, nightmares, negative thoughts, and intrusive memories.

Symptoms of PTSD

PTSD can manifest differently from person to person, depending on the type of trauma experienced. However, there are three main categories of symptoms associated with a clinical diagnosis of PTSD:

Distressing Recollections: This includes nightmares, negative thoughts triggered by certain stimuli, flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, and memories related to the traumatic event.

Emotional Numbness: Individuals with PTSD may experience disinterest in previously pleasurable activities, emotional detachment, and symptoms similar to depression.

Increased Emotional Arousal: This category includes difficulty sleeping, mood swings, irritability, exaggerated responses to stimuli, and trouble concentrating.

People with PTSD may also exhibit signs of aggression, hypervigilance, and insomnia. Self-destructive behaviors, such as substance abuse, isolation, and relationship difficulties, are also common in individuals with PTSD. It is important to note that symptoms may not manifest immediately after a traumatic event and can appear months or even years later.

Types of PTSD

This type of PTSD occurs after one major traumatic event. It’s the easiest variety to treat. Most people improve and heal after therapy. Medications are also sometimes used.

Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD)

This type of PTSD, also called C-PTSD, happens after someone endures multiple traumatic events. It’s common after domestic violence situations, exposure to war, or long-term medical problems. Since it stems from multiple events, it’s often hard to treat. Therapy, medication, and inpatient treatment for PTSD in Florida can be beneficial. 

Comorbid Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

This is a term to describe when someone suffers from both PTSD and other disorders. For example, problems that may go hand in hand with PTSD include depression and substance abuse. Inpatient treatment can be helpful for those with Comorbid PTSD.

Treatments for PTSD

Seeking treatment for PTSD is crucial, as the symptoms can worsen over time and significantly impact an individual’s well-being, relationships, and overall quality of life. The most effective approach to treating PTSD involves a combination of medication and therapy.


Antidepressants are commonly prescribed to address symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and isolation associated with PTSD. These medications can help individuals manage their emotions and return to a normal way of life.


Therapy plays a vital role in treating PTSD and can vary based on individual needs and preferences. Some common therapeutic techniques include:

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT): A form of cognitive-behavioral therapy, CPT focuses on identifying the connections between thoughts and emotions, helping individuals process traumatic experiences and redirect their thoughts and feelings

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): EMDR aims to help individuals better cope with traumatic memories by using controlled exposure and alternating stimuli, such as eye movement.

Exposure Therapy: This therapy desensitizes individuals to traumatic memories by gradually exposing them to the circumstances of the trauma, allowing them to safely face the reality of the situation

Group Therapy: Group therapy provides a supportive environment for individuals with PTSD to discuss their experiences, feelings, and insecurities. It offers a platform for them to gain insight, feedback, and support from others who can relate to their struggles.

These therapeutic methods can be combined for greater efficacy, and they are often incorporated into both inpatient and outpatient PTSD treatment programs.


Testing, Therapy and Training

Comprehensive neuropsychological testing: We utilize advanced tools like brain imaging, blood testing, and other techniques to create a customized approach to therapy, maximizing treatment efficacy.

Heart rate variability and biosound monitoring: By monitoring heart rate variability and biosound, we gain valuable insights into our patients’ physiological responses and tailor treatment plans accordingly.

Quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG): qEEG provides a detailed analysis of brainwave patterns, helping us better understand the neurological aspects of PTSD and guide treatment decisions.

QEEG-guided neurofeedback training: Through neurofeedback training, we help patients regulate their brainwave patterns and improve their emotional well-being

Electrical nerve stimulation therapy: This therapy modality stimulates the nerves to promote relaxation and relieve symptoms associated with PTSD

High-frequency pulsed electromagnetic stimulation therapy: By utilizing pulsed electromagnetic stimulation, we aim to reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and enhance overall mental well-being.

Inpatient Residential Treatment for PTSD

At Agape Behavioral Center, we understand the challenges individuals with PTSD face and the impact it has on their lives. We offer comprehensive, evidence-based treatment programs designed to address the unique needs of individuals living with PTSD and trauma-related disorders. Our 24-hour medical and clinical care ensures that individuals receive the support they need throughout their treatment journey.

Our Approach to PTSD Treatment

We take a holistic approach to PTSD treatment, considering both the physical and mental aspects of recovery. Our team of dedicated professionals, including doctors, nurses, and psychologists, is highly trained in providing effective therapy for PTSD. 

Using Your Health Insurance for PTSD Treatment

Navigating the complexities of health insurance coverage for PTSD treatment can be challenging, but understanding your plan’s benefits is crucial in managing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Many health insurance policies provide coverage for mental health services including PTSD therapy and counseling. By familiarizing yourself with your health insurance details, you can ensure that you are utilizing all available resources for managing PTSD symptoms. 

From therapy sessions with licensed professionals to potential medication management, it is important to leverage your health insurance to access comprehensive care for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Ensure that you check with your insurance provider about the specific coverage options for PTSD treatment, so you can prioritize your mental health and commence your journey toward recovery.

At Agape Behavioral Center we accept most major health insurance policies and are in network with Magellan Health, Humana and Ambetter.

Using Tricare for PTSD Treatment

If you’re searching for comprehensive Post Traumatic Stress Disorder treatment options, it’s essential to know that Tricare covers services tailored to your needs. Tricare commits to offering extensive resources and therapies to assist veterans and service members in their recovery journey. Whether it’s individual counseling, group therapy, or other holistic approaches, Tricare’s PTSD coverage provides the necessary tools to help individuals achieve long-term wellness and regain control over their lives.

Start Your Journey to Healing

PTSD is a serious condition, but with the right help and support, recovery is possible. At Agape Behavioral Center, we are committed to providing compassionate and individualized care to those struggling with PTSD and trauma-related disorders. Taking the first step towards treatment can make all the difference in reclaiming your life.

If you or someone you love is living with post-traumatic stress disorder, Agape Behavioral Center is here to help. Our dedicated team is ready to provide you with the support and guidance you need on your journey to recovery. 

Contact us today at (954) 603-8597 to learn more about admission to our PTSD treatment program and Agape’s Operation Wellness Program specifically for those who have served in the military or as a first responder.

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